It’s been a little more than 2 weeks since I started on this 100 days of code journey. Currently I am on day 20, consistency has been pretty good! In that time I have completed 1 JavaScript project which I had partially started before, and 16 projects from the free code camp vanilla JavaScript series, plus 2 more from In this post I’ll summarize what I learned so far after completing these projects and the challenges I have faced.
My First Completed JavaScript Project
The first JavaScript project I have completed on this journey is the Domestika project, which I had started on my own before. The project we created a memory card game which was in my opinion very good for learning, it covers a lot of concepts to get you more comfortable with JavaScript without being overlay complicated. Since this is a paid course project; I will not share the completed code. If you are interested, you can check out the course here. [*please note that the course audio is in Spanish but it has subtitles and all comments are translated]
The Next Batch of Projects
The next set of projects I completed are from the Free Code Camp videos which I talked about working on in my first post. The first few projects were straight forward and simple. I did face some challenges though. The videos go pretty quickly so I need to pause and go back a lot, so I can catch up with writing the code (shortcuts have been really handy here). Sometimes, I think the CSS files are not the same as what is being used in the video. I was having an issue in one of the projects, then I simply copied the CSS file from the finished one and everything worked as expected.
So far I have created:
- webpages with navigations
- a counter
- reviews page
- FAQ page
- video page
- a count down timer
- lorem ipsum generator
- image gallery scroll
- Rock Paper Scissors game
- Simon Game
If you are interested in seeing all my code , I try to check in regularly to GitHub, all the projects are also available in the video I mentioned in my first post about the challenge.
Continuing The Challenge
So far I’m pretty happy with my progress. The projects haven’t been extremely complicated, except the grocery list & the Simon game was a bit tricky. which were the more recent ones I have completed. Those have probably been the most complicated and involved one.
Free Code Camp has additional projects that look really interesting and I think after I complete the series I’m working on I will continue with those. Eventually during this 100 days it would be fun to create a JavaScript game, so I’ll plan to do that and share my project :).
Right now, the dilemma I’m facing is; how far do I go with JavaScript until I start with React? I can keep coding projects in JS forever and never be done, but at some point I need to start working with React since that is the aim of my doing the challenge. I think maybe give myself 1 month get to comfortable enough with JS and then move on to React?
If you want to keep up with my progress or join me in the coding challenge follow me on Instagram where I post daily about what I’m working on!